Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Congressman Dan Burton is not very smart.

Well, here we have the first Congressman who is clearly an unabashed Clemens fan. The Republican from Indiana called Clemens a "titan" of baseball and brought up a number of statements that McNamee made to various newspapers about not being involved in steroids, and then yelled at McNamee for "lying to this committee". He told McNamee to his face that he didn't believe a word he said and called him a liar. Uh, Congressman. He's saying one thing under oath to a Congressional committee and another to the NY Post. Obviously he lied to the papers; who wouldn't? Why would he incriminate himself in talking to the freaking Post? And why would be perjure himself now? I wish McNamee had pointed this out to Burton.

How do we elect people like this to Congress?

By the way, McNamee is too confidently providing details of his accounts upon questioning for him to be lying. The man is obviously not very smart, so there's no way that he could be making this up off the cuff.

Turns out that Burton is a scumbag, according to Salon. Unbelievable that he railed on the committee for slandering Clemens and yet he led an all out attack on Clinton, all while having serious ethical scandals in his own recent past. Pathetic, hypocritical human being - and I'm being generous with the "human being" part. I cannot believe he's still in office. Indiana, wake up.

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